Get PR Without Spending Thousands with Rebecca Cafiero


Rebecca is sharing her story from corporate to entrepreneur and how she realized she wanted to be the “how to” girl on today’s podcast.  She is the expert on business and PR and how you can make it work for you.  Her mission is to help women put visibility to their visions.

In this episode we will cover:

  • Pay to Play in PR
  • Tips to pitching
  • Being yourself – Niche who you are
  • Pitch Club and the Press Room

You can connect with Rebecca on her Instagram and at the Pitch Club and to register here for her free workshop “Become Press Worthy.”


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The Legalpreneur Podcast is advertising/marketing material. It is not legal advice. Please consult with your attorney on these topics. Copyright Legalpreneur Inc 2022



Episode 200: Get PR Without Spending Thousands Transcript

Andrea: [00:00:03] Welcome to the Legalpreneur Podcast. I’m your host, Andrea Sager, founder and CEO of Legalpreneur, Inc. As a serial entrepreneur and someone that works exclusively with small business owners legally protecting their business, I’m dedicated to covering common legal issues faced by business owners, providing you with the business knowledge you need to catapult your businesses growth and showing you just how some of the world’s most elite entrepreneurs have handled these legal and business issues themselves in true attorney fashion. The information in this episode is not legal advice. This is for informational purposes only, and you should always consult with your attorney before implementing any of the information in the show. In case you missed it, our flash sale for Dream Bigger is now over. That crazy good deal that you’ll never see again. It’s gone, however. Tickets are actually now 50% off. General VIP. Whatever you want. 50% off. Get them now because this event is going to sell out. I don’t know when, however, it will sell out. We are so excited for this. We have Ali Webb, Danielle Canty, Pollyanna Reid. We have Chris Harder. Laurie Harder. So many more big names that are going to be announced soon. So stay tuned. But for now, go get your ticket 50% off and get those rooms up to. Well, I cannot wait to see you in Phenix. October 5th with the seven. Hello. Welcome back to another episode of the Legalpreneur podcast. Today’s guest is Rebecca Cafiero of The Pitch Club, and we’re talking about all things PR, how to get your own PR without spending 5000 a month on a PR team, which sounds amazing. And she was just telling me before we were recording, so amazing opportunities that people have already got by just attending stuff that she has for free. And so her paid stuff is absolutely amazing. So Rebecca, thank you so much for being here today.

Rebecca: [00:02:07] I am so happy to be here. It’s always a privilege.

Andrea: [00:02:10] Amazing. Amazing. So I love to get these things started by having you give everybody the rundown. Tell us how you got to where you are today.

Rebecca: [00:02:18] Well, I think like most entrepreneurs, it was not a straight path. So a little bit of background on me. I’ve always loved writing and communication. I grew up in a rural Oregon. Total farm girl was not the most exciting. Well, maybe it was an exciting childhood because I grew up doing things like working in the land and my dad was a fisherman and like watching cows be birthed, you know? But I didn’t feel like I was getting the experiences I wanted. So I dove into books that are really early age. Like that’s where I got to live the life that wasn’t accessible to me. Living in this small rural town that the major industries are fishing and timber, literally logging. And then I followed that love into writing and I was like on the yearbook staff. And finally at a college I studied journalism and journalism and media studies, and I worked for a daily paper for three years during college as a reporter, and I loved it. And also I did debate. So like, let’s be real that I love to write, but I also love to talk forensic debate. And I just loved this idea of like one, I’m insatiable for knowledge. I’m always reading three books or now these days listening on Audible or listening to podcasts. And I just love information, but I also love storytelling and I love that part of journalism. But I also, as someone that put myself through college, I had a almost full time job to support my journalism habit, I used to say, because journalism was paying less than minimum wage.

Rebecca: [00:03:46] So I would bartend like four nights a week, have my journalism, my paper job, and then of course try to go to school in between that. And I realized I really didn’t want to live below poverty level as much as it was like this noble pursuit of journalism where people say teachers are underpaid, but you get summers off like journalists work 50, 60 hours a week. You’re working on deadline, you know, sometimes till midnight, 2:00 in the morning, depending on when your deadline is. And they’re paid less than teachers. So I said, I don’t know if I want to go move to LA and make 18,000 a year. This is back in 2002. So now it’s probably like 30,000 a year. And so I went into ultimately sales and marketing instead, which was a much better paying industry. And after about I think probably ten years into that industry, I really climbed up the corporate ladder like I think so many entrepreneurs do. And, you know, and it was invaluable experience. And I was running I was running like a $400 million a year division for a publicly traded homebuilder. And I just really missed. I just really missed one, the storytelling. But I also missed the fact that within this realm of journalism, even working for a paper, there’s still so much autonomy.

Rebecca: [00:04:59] There’s like, hey, I want to write about this. So sometimes I get projects assigned, sometimes I find things. But if I found it an interesting story, like I had the freedom to like follow the thread and I wrote a lot of human interest. I wrote a lot of investigative journalism and the idea of like getting a tip while on a police ride along that like I go down to the courthouse and like start pulling the microfilms, and then that leads to getting like anonymous letters. And, you know, that specific story led to the news story of the year in Oregon, which was a five part series that ended up being on national news and and really created well, one got a lot of people fired in the police department, but. Well, that was exciting. It was really exciting. Except as a 21 year old with no money exposing like police. I mean, ultimately, it was like it was like scandal and abuse and and seeing lieutenants getting fired. I’d really uncomfortable, actually, a helicopter ride my junior year of college while this police lieutenant was being investigated and they got invited to this ROTC event that I also was invited to. And so me and this lieutenant who I have run an expose on, who I mean, it’s a whole thing.

Rebecca: [00:06:08] It was crazy. I was doing an interview with her as a female. I was doing an interview with her, which she thought was like a really puff piece about her department. And it ended up that I was going in with like it was recorded. I was going in to like nail her against the wall. Of course, after asking a couple of questions, I got escorted out of the office and then my car got to my car got towed shortly after this. I actually never shared the story on on a podcast. It was amazing. I mean, I look back and I’m like, Still, that excites me. But I was sitting here in a Blackhawk helicopter at 20 years old and strapped in because, you know, they don’t want you falling out the open door being flown down to this military site, strapped it across from this police lieutenant who I had done this exposé on who was being investigated and later got fired. It was the most uncomfortable 30 minutes of my life and not because I could fall out the door. And then her and I were on opposite paintballing teams because.

Andrea: [00:07:05] This is amazing.

Rebecca: [00:07:07] I mean, this was like I was 20 years old. And so, you know, I like to say, like, I’ve lived a lot of life in my 42 years. And I mean, that was that was just like 20, right? But the long and short of it is I had this love of of like understanding things and being able to turn around and take like very separate pieces in parts and present it in a way that was understandable for people, but also in a way that really showcased the truth. So to finish up the question, which I’ve way diverted from, we’re good.

Andrea: [00:07:39] I love it.

Rebecca: [00:07:39] In a way, the good storytelling does is, you know, I was I was in my job for my career for a little over ten years, and I was at what seemed like the Eagle Pinnacle VP of Sales and Marketing. I was the youngest female. I was actually the youngest VP and one of the few females in a very masculine industry and doing incredible things. And my mind, when it wondered, it wasn’t thinking about work. And so I eight years ago, I think it was eight years, eight and a half years ago now, I left my corporate job. Like many entrepreneurs, I started a side hustle that I was like balancing both. And I left. But what happened when I left is I went from being really well known and respected in my industry. And going into this oblivion of being a No. One in entrepreneurship. And I said, wait a second. I had all of this credibility. And while my skills absolutely could transfer over, people didn’t know that. And so all of a sudden, I was like this new coach. I’m like, How in the heck do I prove myself? And what came up from my background in journalism, because I used to get pitched all the time by PR companies as a reporter. And then ultimately I was I was the associate editor for a year and I was getting pitched from artists, labels and events and all different types of things.

Rebecca: [00:09:01] And in those old days when news was slow, we’d go to the fax machine and look at what press releases we got for the day and be like, Oh, this is an interesting story. Like, I can call and get some more info on this, get some sources and and basically flesh this story out in 2 to 3 hours to hit our deadline tonight. So I remember that I’m like, well, maybe if I got PR that would establish me as this credible expert that I really ultimately already am inside. But I need to communicate that expertise and that value to this outside world in this new profession. So I got a few quotes about PR or to get PR, and at the time I was I was doing fine as an entrepreneur. And I was I was really fortunate that when I replaced I mean, I almost replaced my income at work. And when I left my corporate job, I already had built a six figure side hustle, but I had a $230,000 income to replace, you know, not to mention a lot of benefits. And and when I got those quotes for PR, it was 5000 a month for a six month commitment.

Rebecca: [00:10:01] And I’m like, I can’t spend $30,000, which is almost a third of my quarter of a third of my income at the time on something that is not guaranteed to work. Right. And what I decided is I was like, well, I can figure this out. I been on the other side, right? As a journalist, I’ve got an idea of what journalists wanted to see. I had also started my podcast a couple of years ago, and so I was getting a lot of pitches that were frankly terrible from podcast agencies and PR agencies. And and I started to learn, I was like, All right, I think I know enough to feel my way forward. But it really all came together when I took a friend of mine who owned her own boutique PR firm, and she’d been a director of PR at two publicly traded billion dollar companies. I took her out for a mini petit and I’m like, I’m going to pay for your mini petit, but I’m going to ask you questions while we sit here. And I just I don’t like the phrase pick your brain, but I asked her for some some ideas and some feedback. And she gave me, I would say, three tips during that hour and 15 minutes.

Rebecca: [00:11:06] We sat there and I just got into massive action and over the next year, utilizing just a couple of those tips. And then really as I as I got to work, like optimizing what was working and perfecting it in that year, I had I got 20 national, no TV, I wasn’t looking at TV, but I got 20 national press mentions in magazines and publications ranging from US News and World Report to Reader’s Digest to Women’s Health, you know, some top tier publications and also podcast opportunities and started to see one my value go up as far as my rates, my credibility go up where I didn’t have to I didn’t have to convince people that I was an expert. And then especially with podcasts like directly started seeing phenomenal qualified prospective clients come in. And what happened with that? I never had an intention of teaching. Pr What happened with that is my one on one clients were like, Rebecca, how are you doing this? Because I was business coaching. I was coaching on sales, marketing, business. I wasn’t coaching on PR because I didn’t consider myself a PR person. I’m like, I’ve never studied PR, but in doing it myself and really learning like I would say what was effective versus what was academically trained was most of the time when you’re academically trained, it’s already 20 years old.

Rebecca: [00:12:26] You know, I mean, you went to law school, right? I mean, they’re learning. They’re teaching what they learned when they went to school. Right. Your professors. So I started to teach my one on one clients. And what happened was they got results faster than I did because they didn’t go through the learning curve. They were able to start with what I was doing. Then that was just working. And also, like many of us write, we learn, we do, and then we teach. They were doing what I taught them, not actually always what I was doing. So they did it like the best way instead of like making mistakes. And fast forward to that. I started having my clients were getting so many results and I started having people ask me like, hey, you know, your clients are getting these results, they’re crediting you. Would you come in and speak to our group or could you do a training to our our. I started doing in-person before COVID. I started doing like in-person trainings at female co-working spaces for places like Rising Tide Society, creative associations and groups. And I started to realize like, one, this is really fun. And I like you. Like, we’re all about removing the gatekeepers.

Andrea: [00:13:31] Yeah.

Rebecca: [00:13:32] All about making things that are typically not accessible to people. Accessible, yeah. And I said I could do this in a much bigger way. And basically two years ago, the pitch club was born, and I said, my mission is to help females. Females be seen as the go to expert by doing that, by helping them put the megaphone or the microphone to their message and a spotlight on their brilliance. And that’s that’s really where we got started.

Andrea: [00:13:57] I love that. Oh, my gosh. I love your story because it’s so similar to mine. Like we were in the thick of it, like we’ve been there, done that, didn’t like what we saw. So we just decided to put like do it ourselves, but our own twist on it. And so that’s that’s really, I think why we resonate so well. And I, I’m really curious like what are prices that you’ve seen that? Firms like PR firms or even small businesses, because I know you mentioned like $5,000 a month. Is that still what you’re seeing today?

Rebecca: [00:14:32] If I would say the good firms are 5000 a month, what I’ve seen, I’d say in the smaller startup space. When I say startup, not necessarily tech startup, but they’re really aiming more at beginning entrepreneurs or they still have to be pretty successful to afford PR in the old model is still like 2 to 3000 a month on the low side and that the thing about that is it gives you know tangible results like they’re not promising you you’re going to get X, Y or Z. In fact, many companies and one of our I mean, Kayla, actually, I remember talking to her about this, Kayla Kraft. And I think she told me that she was paying it was about 5000 a month and that was basically like 5000 a month is the retainer to just have them doing work for you. But then a lot of the opportunities that they’re actually getting, you still have to pay for really? Yes, depending on what it is. So there’s a lot of there’s a lot of what I call pay to play in PR.

Andrea: [00:15:25] Oh, yeah.

Rebecca: [00:15:26] And I’m not saying that there’s never a spot for it. It depends on what it is. Right. Traditionally, though, like I have, the only time I’ve ever paid for PR is the Forbes Council. You have to. It’s a membership, so you have to apply for it. Like there’s a couple of different variations. Like I had to show that I had $1,000,000 in sales or in business a year to qualify. Then it’s an interview. So you have to like show that you make that to start you, then you have to do an interview and then based on that, you are accepted into the membership. And that was like I think it was 1600 a year. One of the perks of it is you have the ability to write for them, but it’s still like goes through a vetting process, goes through an auditing process. You still have an editor that will like push back on your topics and edit, you know, so you could say like, yes, I paid to write for Forbes, but you have to qualify before you pay. But there are stuff that if you just flat out pay for it, you can get featured. And I’m really I’m really against that. And the reason is twofold. One is if you pay for something on a spiritual level, you don’t feel like you’ve earned it. Right. So I say there’s always the difference between like what I teach is like, I’m going to teach you the shortcut to like get a shortcut in line. But it’s not about cheating. Where I feel like a lot of the pay for play or pay to play feels like cheating. You know, and where you can see this is almost any of the Yahoo! Like the Yahoo!  Those are always paid for. 

Andrea: [00:16:54] Don’t don’t dog on Yahoo! I was just in Yahoo! Yesterday.

Rebecca: [00:16:57] Well, that doesn’t mean. Okay, so that’s great.

Andrea: [00:17:01] No, I got so I was in a fashionista article commenting on this skin by Kim trademark issue and Yahoo life picked it up. So yeah. No, but I know I’m totally with you there. Like a lot of those lists.

Rebecca: [00:17:16] A lot of the lists, yes. So it’s more of a list. But the thing about Yahoo! Is, if you look. Yahoo! Is actually a huge syndicate. So what often happens and this has happened to me and my clients is you’ll get featured in Entrepreneur or Best Life or another publication and Yahoo! Will pick it up and and what’s called Syndicate it. And this is one of the actually the most valuable lessons that a lot of people think like I’m just going to get PR to get PR and as a vanity metric. And I really like to show how to get very intentional, purposeful PR that actually leads to profit. Because early in my pitching days, I was, I would like pitched in the very beginning to anything that I could talk about because I was like, I just want to get mastheads, you know, the logos on my website and this is a story. I am a business coach, but I also am obsessed with health. I’m certified holistic health and integrative nutrition. I’ve got a specialty in gut health. I don’t see clients for these things, though. I have no desire to tell people what to eat. I just wanted this for my own information and to boss my husband around a little. He still doesn’t take my advice.

Andrea: [00:18:14] Right?

Rebecca: [00:18:15] But. But early on when I was pitching, I pitched for an article that was I’m trying to remember where it was first seen. It was it was like a major publication, but it was on it was like basically what are healthier breakfast than cereals and something I’ve learned and this is I want to make sure that your listeners are like learning actual, tangible tips they can take. I love these sensational and I’ll give you two examples here. Be sensational. Don’t be afraid to be a bit inflammatory, right? As long as you believe in it. Like don’t say something that’s BS just because you feel like it’s it’s like clickbait, right? But I, my, I knew this, that I mean, I know this and I said, well, pizza is better than breakfast cereal. Now, I went into it should be cauliflower crust. Like make sure you’re loading it with veggies like a vegan cheese. Like make it non inflammatory as far as in eating. But I knew that that would that would like stand out. Here’s the problem that stood out so much that that not just the article but those quotes that I had that they attributed to me have been picked up over the last four years, more than 150 times.

Andrea: [00:19:22] Wow.

[00:19:23] And so I have a Google alert, which everyone needs to put a Google alert on your name. And it’s like and the ironic thing has got published in my hometown paper, which I used to write for in high school as a student reporter. And I’m like, This is not what I want to be known for. Yeah, right. When that’s pulling up on my SEO with Forbes, I’m like, no. So, so one is only pitch for stuff that you actually want to be known for. And second is when you are pitching, don’t be afraid to be a little bit inflammatory. And I’ll, I’ll give one more example is one of my clients her business clothes she had a gym and it closed at the beginning of pandemic. She closed it down so she had to pivot online really fast. And one of the things that was helping her do is develop that online credibility by getting featured. And she was pitching, pitching, pitching and like nothing was getting picked up. And I always tell people, if you pitch 10 to 15 times and you haven’t gotten anything, you’re doing something really wrong, which is what most people are doing right. Most of my clients and like myself, like I get picked up on, I would say one out of every four or five pitches and the ones you don’t. I teach people how to repurpose content because that’s phenomenal content typically. On what’s trending that you can put on all the platforms of the Omni present, but I was looking through pitches.

Rebecca: [00:20:30] I’m like, Well, Jen, the reason you’re not getting picked up is everything you’re saying is so vanilla. It’s obvious, it’s common sense, right? And you need to be more polarizing. You want people to either be like Hell yes or hell no. So the article that finally turned it all around for a now she’s been in Byrdie Sun, Riley Forbes, et cetera. Was an article, I think it was in Byrdie, which is an online wellness publication. And it was what is the best time of day to work out? And she’s and so I’m like, Well, what are the obvious answers that you wouldn’t want to give work out first thing in the morning? Right when you’ve got time and willpower work out midday to avoid the afternoon slump or any time you can fit it in. Those would be the three answers. There’s no other answer except hers. And it was it has nothing to do with the time of day, and it has everything to do with the time of month. And she talked about working out around your cycle and this is two years ago before I feel like cycle thinking is starting to become very popular, kind of like health was like four years ago. Yeah. Well, she not only got picked up, but she developed a relationship with the reporter who then ended up featuring her in multiple other articles and she got named without applying or paying. She got named the number one trainer in the World by Byrdie magazine.

Andrea: [00:21:43] That’s awesome. Awesome.

Rebecca: [00:21:45] It all started with being willing to say something. And by the way, also on social media. On social media, her following went from 5000 to now 40,000 in the last two years organically. And she’s got roles that have 150,000 views because she is willing to be inflammatory, she’s willing to say stuff that is very. I don’t I don’t want to say like it’s it’s a little bit.  It’s taboo, but not it’s just not with the status quo.

Rebecca: [00:22:17] No. But what it is, is there’s as long as there’s truth in it and she is speaking her truth and women that identify with that, like they seek her out, they find her, and then they work with her. And that’s also why she’s doing 50 to 70000 a month in a business that’s two years old.

Andrea: [00:22:31] That’s awesome. Good for her. Good for her. And congrats to you. You helped her, too. That’s awesome. That’s really incredible. So I want to pivot just a little bit and touch on the legal stuff that you’ve done for your business. Because here we just have to tell you, hey, this is how we have actually implemented the legal stuff. So can you touch on that just a little bit?

Rebecca: [00:22:54] Oh, my goodness. I can tell you all the things I did wrong.

Andrea: [00:22:57] We can start there. Yes.

Rebecca: [00:22:58] Well, I mean, first of all, is is not having legal as a strategy. Right. That that is just one of the biggest mistakes. And, you know, a friend of mine, a very good friend of mine is an attorney as well. And and her you and her, like you preach the same thing. And it’s that one when you start your business, you need to start with an exit in mind and you need to you need to really safeguard that exit with your legal strategy. So, you know, whether you’re like, all right, your coach, right? So, I mean, so many people are coaches or consultants. Like, what do you want to do with that business? Is your goal to have a successful exit where you sell your business? Is your goal to create a cash cow where you invest in other things that create residual income like investment, property stocks, etc.? Is your goal to license out what you do? Like, like what does that goal? Because that’s going to dictate like what type of entity you set up. So I think that was the first thing is like I was a legal entity before I was doing business, which I don’t think is what most people do. They start something and they’re like, Well, it’s just a side hustle. Yes, it’s a side hustle that you can endanger any other assets you have if you’re not protecting yourself. Right? Yeah. So that’s one. And then, you know, I think house marketing or trademarking and I’m going through this right now, which is like the pitch club like is making sure is anyone using the names, the words, the slogans that you use, your signature process.

Rebecca: [00:24:23] I’ve worked with 49 women now to become bestselling authors and a big part of what we teach is as a coach or consultant with intellectual property. Right. And I’ll give the example of a health coach. If you ask any health coach out there, like, what is your process of helping someone, they’re all going to say almost the exact same thing. They’re going to say like if you’re like, What are the five ingredients to being healthy? They’re going to say, sleep, stress management, movement, nutrition and maybe something like detoxing or hormones, right? I mean, pretty much you’re not going to get much of a variation, but what order of priority do they put the five in? That already starts to develop signature. And then within that, if you say sleep, one coach might be like, okay, sleep is all about having the best sleep routines. It’s about or some might say it’s about understanding the Chinese body clock and sleeping from 10 to 6 and others. You know, they’re all going to have different things within that. So that becomes ultimately intellectual property. Is this process you take clients through that also needs to be protected because if not, someone’s going to rip it off. And something we see in the online space all the time, I just saw this and I’m I mean, fortunately, I’ve already gone through the process. I’m just waiting for like, what do they call it, the examiners.

Andrea: [00:25:36] Right when you trade?

Rebecca: [00:25:38] Yeah, exactly. The trade examiner, which is a long, expensive process and everyone needs to do it with an attorney. Listen to this. Don’t do it on your own. Don’t screw it up. Right. So I, I had someone who was a previous client and that all of a sudden launched something and I was like, Oh, wow, they’re using half of my name and they’re using my my motto. And I don’t think it was actually probably even purposeful. It’s like, you know, we hear so much that. But but they the point is, is they didn’t check. They didn’t do a search and and that can really get people into trouble. So have an entity, you know, have your legal and tax strategy. You know, if if it’s if you want to be known by something, you better make sure that you actually own whatever that is. And I might say. And then make sure to have contracts for your employees, your clients, like see why a cover your butt, right. I think that I think that sometimes people are like I see people spending the 5000 or $10,000 on things like their logo and their website, but not being willing to invest that in legal. And and it’s such a mistake because everything else you’re spending is not going to be protected unless you get your legal house in order.

Andrea: [00:26:58] Yeah, no, for sure. And thank you for that. So listeners see Rebecca knows to she knows the legal stuff as well. So it doesn’t matter how you get it done. Just get it done. Yes.

Rebecca: [00:27:11] One other thing I would love to add to that is if you have a big vision and I say my my mission is to help women put visibility to their vision, because if your vision is as big as you, as you know it can be, then one, you’re going to show up highly visible for that vision and for that impact. But the other side is you’ve got to reverse engineer. What do I need to create that and legal strategies I a part of that right if this is as big as I think it can be, if my business could be the honest company someday, if it could be boss based someday, how do I legally protect that now? Because by the time you get as big enough that you’re really worried about it, someone else might have already ripped it off from you and they might have legally made it theirs, despite the fact that you’ve been doing it longer.

Andrea: [00:27:56] Yeah. Yeah. No, absolutely. Oh, I could talk about this stuff all day. But, Rebecca, before I let our guest go, I always ask, what is your number one business? Oh.

Rebecca: [00:28:15] I feel like I could give, like, ten. Okay, so number one business tip. So this this really goes to something called ikigai. Which is a Japanese term that really is about purpose and fulfillment. And it’s this idea in what you do that it needs to have four parts. It needs to be something that you are good at, ideally great, which can be done by repetition and learning. Number two, it needs to be something that you love. Number three, it needs to be something that you can be paid for. A number four, something that the world needs. I see so many people in business doing one of two things. They either look at what they can be paid for and then get good at it, but don’t love it. And it might not be what the world needs, which means it’s not purpose driven and purpose anchors you in and times that. Stuff gets hard, and if it’s just about you, you may give up. Instead of really being tied into that, why that purpose? Okay. The other side the other second part of that tip is understanding when you talk about what you’re good at in your passions, is understanding your uniqueness. Imposter syndrome happens when you’re trying to be someone else. When you realize that no one has your combination, your ingredients, your recipe of your experience, your background.

Rebecca: [00:29:37] So background is not just like where you went to school or where you’ve worked. Your background is the fact that I grew up and I learned to drive a tractor before I learned to drive a car. The fact that I don’t get grossed out by bugs or guts or any of that, because the way that I grew up. Right. But it’s also like those unique things about you. It’s your unique experience, which means in your skill, in what you do. You innately cannot separate those things out. And so you’re knowable, which are the things about you, of who you are as a human being and where people connect and your expert topics, which is what people will pay you for when you combine those. You are uniquely an expert of your experience in a way that no one else is. So like dive deeper into being more of yourself, and that is the best thing you can do. It’s not just about niching your clients. It’s about niching who you are. And that’s when you start to stand out from the noise of other people in your space and you truly stay in your own lane and you can actually call in the clients that you’re meant to work with and be paid what you are worth.

Andrea: [00:30:36] Oh, my gosh. That was probably the best answer that we’ve ever had on here as the number one business tip. Thank you. I love that. So tell everybody about the pitch club. How can they join? Where can they find you? Like give them all the things.

Rebecca: [00:30:50] Yes. So I’m on Instagram at Rebecca Cafiero and also at the Pitch Club on Instagram. We’re a for women by women company that is helping women be seen on a bigger platform. So, yes, media podcast guesting, publishing books, but also with the business backing, because I am I’m a firm believer that PR and business are twins. Right? You can’t get PR. I mean, you can with. But if you don’t understand how to actually use it purposely to create profit in your business and impacting your business. And on the other hand, you really can’t truly step into the greatness in your business, the impact without that visibility. So we look at both. But what I’m most excited about right now is something we’re working on. It’s called the press room, but I have a free training that we’re offering right now every single week. It’s about a 90 minutes and it’s called Become Press Worthy. And in that training, I go over really three of the biggest media secrets that PR companies don’t want people to know. That really dismantles the gatekeeper. And on that that training I not only give like what what is the truth about PR and why is it important but I really give the how to I like to say like I’m the how to girl and I’ve had people that have watched that training. And yes, we talk more on that about how you can work with us for those people that really feel called to become part of our community and to really get the support and the accountability and all the strategies. But on that training, I give away enough that you can get into immediate action and we’ve had people leave it, get off of it, and in the next 60 days, land 11 national publications for free.

Andrea: [00:32:27] I love that. Oh, my gosh. Seriously, run, don’t walk. The link will be in the show notes. Go click on that right now. Watch the next one that she has coming up. This is incredible. The value you provide even just for free. That’s what I love about a lot of entrepreneurs that do the free value first to really gain that trust. It’s like, this is amazing. And at that point, it’s just like, yes, like, let me give you all of my money, please.

Rebecca: [00:32:55] Well, I mean, we love to do that energetic exchange, like money for results. And but the other thing I think that’s really important to understand right now is these old systems of of like pain point marketing. Like, that’s what you’re not going to get that when you come to my platforms, right? You’re not going to get that. You’re insignificant and you need me. And the only way you’re successful is if you give me your first child. Actually, I don’t want your children. I have two and they’re wonderful. No, you know, maxed out your credit card. Like, that’s not how we operate. Like, we’re really empowerment based. I want everyone to know that, like, it’s kind of like Dorothy and Glinda the Good Witch. She’s like, Dorothy, you’ve had the power all along. You just had to, like, realize it, right? And that’s how I feel, is we’re not teaching you smoke and mirrors. We’re showing you how to build the house, you know, not the house of cards. And we’re just showing you how to correctly communicate your value, but it’s value that you already have. And the other thing that we do every week is on Facebook, we have the visibility lounge. And every week on Facebook we do either visibility or really business strategies. Again, all female, but it’s 20 to 30 minutes every week. I also bring an unbelievable expert and it’s really around giving you like that free support that is very tangible that you can get into action with to really improve your business and your bottom line immediately.

Andrea: [00:34:09] That’s amazing. Oh, my gosh. Rebecca, thank you so, so much for this. I cannot wait for everybody to start joining all of your free stuff you’re paid. So like, everybody needs this. If you’re in business, you need her stuff. So thank you again, Rebecca. And we’ll see you guys next time. Here at Legalpreneur, we’re committed to providing a supportive legal community for all business owners. I know how scary the legal stuff can be. If you found this information helpful, I would be so grateful if you could share it with the fellow business owner. And quite frankly, it doesn’t cost anything to rate, review or subscribe to the show. Your support helps me reach more listeners, which allows me to support more business owners in their entrepreneurial journey. Have any questions or comments about the show? Feel free to drop me a line on Instagram, I promise. I read all of the messages and comments and if you want to be a guest on the show or know someone that would make a great guest, simply fill out our application form and a team member will reach out if we think it’s a good fit. I’ll see you in the next episode.

*The information in this blog post is not legal advice.

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The Ultimate Legal Checklist For Entrepreneurs Terrified Of The Legal Stuff

Exactly everything you need to legally set up and protect your business from infringers and the government.

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